Did you know God wrote the Bible for you? He inspired 40 different writers to compose 66 books over 1,500 years, and He did it for you. God gave us His Word to breathe life into us, fill us with His love, and light our paths.
That’s why I’m especially excited about this year’s devotional! In fact, it’s more than just a devotional; it’s the start of your journey to reading through the Bible. It leads you into the Fresh Start Bible reading plan, which will guide you through the entire Bible in a year. The Scriptures are in the New Living Translation, which puts the thought of each verse into more contemporary language for easier understanding. While this devotional focuses on the first 21 days of the reading plan—it’s just the beginning! Three weeks from now, you’ll be well on your way to reading the entire Bible in a year.
As you read this devotional, it’s my prayer that you’ll receive a renewed passion and hunger for God’s Word. I hope that once you finish these 21 days, you’ll have created a habit of reading the Bible every day and listening for what the Holy Spirit says. In fact, the key to change and growth is hearing, believing, and obeying what God says to you through His Word. My hope is that you wake up each day excited to see what God will speak to you through His Word.
If you commit to making this devotional and the Fresh Start Bible reading plan part of your daily routine over the next year, I promise you’ll never be the same. God can and will change your life!