This powerful devotional brings the book of Acts to life for today’s believers. You’ll discover how the early Christians turned their world upside down through the power of the Holy Spirit—and how you can do the same.
Este poderoso devocional da vida al libro de los Hechos para los creyentes de hoy. Descubrirás cómo a través del poder del Espíritu Santo, los primeros cristianos revolucionaron su mundo y cómo tú puedes hacer lo mismo.
God’s love for you is unconditional, inescapable, and unstoppable. The apostle John understood this love, and it changed his life.
El amor de Dios por ti es incondicional, ineludible e imparable. Juan entendió este amor, y cambió su vida.
This 21-day devotional is packed full of biblical truths and encouraging stories about how the Holy Spirit produces love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control in your life.
Este devocional de 21 días está lleno de verdades bíblicas y estimulantes historias sobre cómo el Espíritu Santo produce amor, alegría, paz, paciencia, amabilidad, bondad, fidelidad, humildad y dominio propio en tu vida.
Jesus is the Good Shepherd who provides everything we need. On each day of the journey through this beloved psalm, you’ll have an opportunity to reflect on the many ways Jesus shows us His love and goodness in our lives.
Jesús es el Buen Pastor, quien provee todo lo que necesitamos. En cada día del recorrido a través de este salmo tan preciado, tendrás la oportunidad de reflexionar sobre las muchas maneras en que Jesús demuestra su amor y su bondad en nuestra vida.
The first time an important word or phrase is mentioned in Scripture is significant. In this devotional, we’ll unpack the special meaning behind 21 first mentions and how these foundational words and phrases lead to a richer understanding of the Bible.
Escrito por miembros del equipo pastoral de Gateway Church, estudiamos el significado especial de las 21 “primeras menciones” y como estas palabras y frases fundamentales nos pueden ayudar a entender la Biblia de una manera más profunda.
God wrote the Bible for you. This devotional is a 21-day journey through God’s Word to get you started in a Bible-reading habit! Our prayer is that you let God’s Word renew your mind this next year.
REAL focuses on equipping and inspiring you to effectively communicate the story of the Gospel and your faith by living a relevant, engaging, authentic life.
Did you know God created you with a purpose? And did you know you have a part to play in His kingdom here on earth? At Gateway, we want you to experience all God has for you and live out your God-given purpose.
It’s commonly known that worship is an integral part of the Christian life. But what exactly is worship? Some define it as a song; others describe it as a lifestyle. But the simplest and most accurate definition is “love expressed.”
Over the next 28 days, we’re going on a journey together into prayer. We’ll explore its many dynamics: what the Bible says about it, why we so desperately need it, how we can use it, how it brings us closer to the Father and many other principles.
A seven-week devotional to help you further understand how each of these seven areas apply to your own life. The devotional is laid out in seven sections with five days apiece.
Let’s Go is a 21-day devotional intended to encourage and inspire you to follow Jesus’ Great Commission to “go everywhere in the world, and tell the Good News to everyone” (Mark 16:15).
FiRST is designed to provide you with the encouragement and biblical steps you need to learn how to put God first in every single area of your life.
Through this 21-day devotional, you’ll discover how to stay in close communication with your heavenly Commander and obey His orders as well as how to be armed and ready for battle.
Over the next 40 days, we’re going on a journey together into prayer. We’ll explore its many dynamics: what the Bible says about it, why we so desperately need it, how we can use it, how it brings us closer to the Father and many other principles.